I Released My First Album 10 Years Ago

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since I produced Save It for a Rainy Day, my first album. I’ve made great strides in musical ability over the past decade, and it’s fun to listen back to hear where I was back then.

What’s more, I’m thrilled to have the album AND sheet music newly available on Watchfire Music.

Save It for a Rainy Day Album »

Save It for a Rainy Day Piano Sheet Music »

You can also find some interesting thoughts there about some of the compositions. For example, the first track was basically an examination of the major 7th chord, which I had just discovered, and Redemption explores the musical effect you get when switching from a minor to a major triad.

I’m hoping to spend more time on this album this year, but in the meantime I invite you to visit those links and listen for yourself!