Recording for Upcoming Solo Piano Album

Two weekends ago we completed the second recording session for my 2015 solo piano album. It was smoother than our first session in January, mostly I think because I knew better what to expect in terms of recording on my own piano … and also because we didn’t have any surprise piano issues (The first session brought with it some mysterious clicks and a double-hitting note!)

I’m also appreciating how the recording process is making me a better musician. The thing is, the music sounds different when you’re playing compared to when you listen to the playback. But after going back and forth enough, I’m starting to be able to hear how the recording sounds WHEN I’m playing instead of only afterwards. That is helpful.

The other aspect that I’m juggling is focusing on the technical aspects of playing while still preserving the musicality of the song. This is where the listening comes in – the better that I can perform technically while also listening to the overall story of the piece, the better it comes out.

I still have a long way to go for sure, but I’m grateful to be making progress in this new performance and recording territory 🙂